Run Watch - for those who like jogging. Big indicator of the selected parameter allows you to concentrate on workout. Colors of the digits are chosen so that they are well distinguishable in bright sun. Suitable for an amateur who needs three basic parameters
• Duration of workout
• Distance
• Pace (min/mile or min/km)
• The app calculates the distance traveled for the current and previous day, with the current and last week, for the current and previous month, for the current and previous year.
• Submit current week distance to Game Center. Only workout with pace lower than 4:00 min/km (6:27 min/mile) because Pro runners should compete at stadiums. All distances in Game Center will be converted to meters.
• Scroll to change a parameter.
• After a workout has been started swipe up bottom part to save or reset current workout.
• Just push an achivment to tweet it.
• To change miles or km go to setting.
• Go to setting to choose first day of the week and measure units.